Daily Meeting - 3/1/2021 Nicole and Luis looked up ER diagrams and put together some diagrams based on some of the examples they saw. Luis added some more to the things they came up with They made a full-looking diagrams. We will add the entity relationships later. Selena added category as a part of the properties. We will add ratings tied to stores? Contemplating a reviews entity Taking inspiration from instacart and other platforms in interface Tag attributes may be used to organize things. We are adding subcategories to our ER diagram. Selena, Ryan and Nicole are looking at the table and will continue to master it. Ryan showed MongoDB and how to add collections for making working tests/ dummy data. May try to clarify details about database with prof. Discussed details about the differences in MongoDB personal and sub-accounts. Goals for tomorrow Selena will do dummy data and database stuff. And table descriptions Nicole will set up tables Matt will watch the chat. Luis is extremely busy, he will take the scraps.