Daily Meeting - 3/8/2021 Environment file in glitch is looking like the best place for accessing the database. Ryan will show the rest how enter things to the environment file Accessed through process.env.var_name Frontend stuff looking great! Based on code from examples, the thing Selena was working on was looking good We need a model and schema for the datatables Models make an object based on the schema Allow you to grab data from table and put it into the object Rhs: object name : types/typename New file for each Schema Looked at the conventions to create a schema We will have a Customer_ID Item_IDs are unique Item_ID is primary key for items Store_ID is no longer on primary for Items Purchase_Items field is a list of Item_IDs Item ID can be used to reduce redundancy We will put forward HTTP requests to get and give to the server We learned how to write code in Discord Luis is doing the longest table Tables: Customer: Ryan Payment Info: Nicole Customer Address: Nicole Delivery: Selena Favorites: Selena Handler: Luis Items: Matthew Store: Matthew