Daily Meeting - 03/26/2021 Long list of responsibilities Selena will work over SB for the React To hook up react, we must use front end that makes API calls to communicate with other pares Fetch and Axios can help us with this Landing page will be rudimentary to begin with Getting filler assets will be a good goal for the break Testing assets for Local is different than for glitch We should have an explicit assets folder Luis was working on the assets folder He uploaded the stuff onto glitch All adding items to DB over the break. All adding store bios Update store schemas and DB entries Store bio could be store history Matt adding his stuff to DB and doing whatever else is necessary Selena and Ryan making site in react Ryan looking more into user auth Luis will work on the landing page. Nicole will be wherever she needs to. Nicole will help selena with UI/UX and on her own will have the responsibility of modularizing Ryan cleaning up middleware We need a puzzle-like website.