Daily Meeting - 04/19/2021 Ryan put some time into messing with the Middleware repo He also made changes to other things. Ryan looked into implementing the handbasket API route that deals with signin \; will redirect to signin when signed in \ May also return username Ryan thought about simulating deliveries We should model a timer to track the deliveries. If we have the simulation, how do we make it persist through lots of time Deliveries have a set time period and 40 minutes to prepare and 20 to delivery Any time will be compared to intervals and will be placed in specific category Simulations will be done in a sort of in-game type of way, like time scaled up to make getting order faster Store gathers resources and has the handler deliver it vs. the company also employs the handlers and make them get the orders together and deliver them We display store name in the handbasket You get separate notifications from each store Orders are simulated already filled and ready to be delivered Implementing the search will be a group goal for the week. Ryan will continue with the cart and will assist selena with implementing frontend changes. We will look into doing the store buy page Two dropdown menus for addresses and credit cards We will make ripoffs of PayPal and ApplePay Nicole will finish stores page Nicole is working with layout and grid system from a rebuilt stores page We need to get ratings as well Luis will work on search function Matthew. will look into making a handler lookup function Selena amassed with the ratings so that the stars will not be clickable.