Daily Meeting - 04/22/2021 Luis watched a lot of tutorials to see how to get the querying going. He could not hack He needs assistance for getting it running. The editor in mongodb can make json files Luis showed all of the query info for the chickpea.items He needs help setting up a JavaScript root Luis says all of the tutorials hardcode the stuff Luis found the aggregation and says that the code it generates seems more useful than he thought Putting the things into our files may create issues. It will get done though Ryan set up a route yesterday for the users page. Nicole worked on the store page. Third redesign! Page redesign entails a two column system that has multiple categories. For next week, we need to have the core stuff. Rating system, cart, and delivery simulation We need to write to the DB Ryan drafted what he wants the page to order information. There is a four staged order page Input text fields and the likes. We will show him the store pages and the searching fun