Daily Meeting - 04/28/2021 Nicole got the category buttons working Selena started looking at implementing responsive layouts for mobile Change the font sizes to make the phone optimal All changes from the previous night have been pushed to GH Certain code has been ghost-working Store Backsplash image repeats Nicole was trying to implement a button that lets you buy s certain amount of an item Nicole included notes on where dynamic info needs to be added When the page goes below 500 pixels, the page dynamically re renders to fit the smaller screen Luis took the data ryan gave, made a query and made search Two queries One is literal and one looks for words like it Luis is not sure how to hook the search button to the query Search for an item -> go to a search page -> look for the thing you want and click -> buy! How do we autocomplete? Fun to know, but not needed. API grabs what the user puts in the box and grabs everything that applies The button has to redirect to a new page only with the items you search for only The search button is universal Luis needs help making a script that takes the query and redirects to another page with the items Selena will make a layout of a search page Nicole will get the JS page ready Matthew will get the code on store page working whenever he gets a chance. Ryan was able to get add and remove from the cart ready Removes cart and updates the subtotal We might not have everything with the cart done by friday Nicole will get the button for buying ready, Selena will fix out the sizing issues and update the progress bar working correctly Luis will get working on search Selena will work on the frontend search page ready Ryan will wrap up the cart Shows an alert window when the checkout button is checked No database actions from order yet