Daily Meeting - 04/08/2021 Selena made the landing page Ryan has not used any React stuff yet Luis found information between Axios and Fetch Axios is better since it is much less verbose and as easy as importing it Axios is the way to go We have functional user auth We have buttons in the navbar and disc issues We are not paying money for discs Nicole does not know how to get disc space down Each Glitch folder has so much dependencies in the modules folder that makes it so big Selenas NodeModules folder is 280 MB Ryan moved stuff from that folder back to the root We will work over the weekend to find an answer to the problem of disc space Nicole did not look at React carousels We might not be able to show a populated page For next week Get everything to connect to everything else Best option is going step-by-step and checking everything Finalize front end For tomorrow Selena is fixing the spacing issues After we all have react, we will all implement search and adding items to cart and getting delivery info We need to get our frontend talking to the API