Daily Meeting - 05/05/2021 Selena worked on the delivery simulation The way she was getting the date was from 1/11970 and she figured out how to get the date to be in date ant H:M:S If nothing good works, we can simulate from click of the buy button Ryan figured out how to fix the handbasket issue that occurred on friday Luis made the search function work but did not add autofilliing. Search by item name, subcategory and subcategory. Ryan and Selena will work on the final touches on the website. We will be dividing up the presentation to each person Presentation will detail the story of the issues and issues on top of issues we faced when working on our project Nicole can do the progres bar Matthew can help where to place the items on report. Selena found a nice theme for our presentation. Matthew will look into creating the outline for the paper Friday is a soft deadline for the final dev build